Edward Anderson is the Wright Centennial Professor for the Management of Innovative Technology at the University of Texas McCombs School of Business and is past Director of the McCombs Healthcare Innovation Center, which was a research center specializing in innovation in healthcare delivery. He is an acknowledged expert in the dynamics of complex systems in organizational contexts.
Current Research Projects
Engineering economics in platform supply chain industries (smartphones, electronic health records, videogame consoles)
Role of government policy in industrial and supply chain resilience
Business-to-business information platforms and supply chain innovation
Dr. Anderson is the author or co-author of:
The Innovation Butterfly: Managing Emergent Opportunities and Disruptions Under Distributed Innovation, which describes leadership metrics, planning, and organization in the complex adaptive system that is innovation management;
Operations Management for Dummies, a primer on operations management for BBA and MBA students as well as business professionals. Rated 4 1/2 stars at Amazon on over 400+ reviews. Now in its second edition.
40+ published research articles.
Supply Chains: The Big Picture - Recent Posts from my Blog
Featured Press Articles and Videos
KXAN-TV NBC News: Economic Outlook for Next Year: Interview on my concerns with supply chain disruptions next year might impact the US economy. December 20, 2024.
Houston Chronicle: Looming longshoremen's strike could bring work stoppage to Port of Houston. September 23, 2024.
KXAN-TV NBC News: Sky-high prices cast shadow over eclipse. Discusses how hotel prices spiked to $999 for one night at a Days Inn for one night. Also discusses dynamic pricing. April 8, 2024.
Austin American-Statesman - Texas law enforcement agencies hope lawmakers will solve state worker shortages. March 7, 2023.
The Street - Tesla Rival Has a New Way to Power Electric Vehicles. Discussion on whether new solar powered Sono Motors solar-powered car makes sense. October, 2022.
Texas Senate Testimony (before the Committee on Business and Commerce): Building Resiliency in Supply Chains. May 18, 2022. My testimony begins at minute 36.
Associated Press: Frustration grows over truck backlogs at Texas-Mexico border. Picked up by over 1200 outlets including CNBC, UK Daily Mail, Yahoo News!, and The Hill. April 12, 2022.
Fortune. Supply chain woes have no quick fix, so stock up on patience for the holidays. (Why there were so many toy shortages running up to the 2021 holiday season.)
Fox News Rundown Evening Edition: Truck Driver Shortage Worsens Supply Chain Problems (Port congestion, shipping container and semiconductor shortages are also discussed.)
Women’s Wear Daily: How Global Supply Chain Challenges Will Impact Holiday Beauty Shopping
`Click here for more media content. More videos can be found at my youtube channel.
Management Flight Simulators
Similar to an airplane pilot’s flight simulator cockpit, a management Flight Simulators (MFS) provide a simulated strategic environment in which managers can “learn from experience” by making key decisions about a complex business problem similar to those they make in real life.
Click here to play the Platform Startup Flight Simulator, which puts you in charge of a startup platform making key new product development investment decisions to gain traction with the unique chicken-and-egg effects of platforms.
Other Research Interests
Management of distributed innovation, including outsourcing and offshoring, across the supply chain;
Managing supply chain disruptions
Performance Improvement, particularly in healthcare settings
Project management, including agile product development
Computer simulation, including system dynamics and agent-based model computer simulation.
B.A.S. (Majors: Electrical Engineering, History), Stanford University, 1988
Ph.D. (Management Science, Computer Simulation), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
Fellow of the Production and Operations Management Society
“The Most Prestigious Honor in the [Production and Operations Management] Society. It is intended to recognize Society members who have made exceptional intellectual contributions to our profession and Society through their research and teaching.”
Given by the System Dynamics Society for: “Best publication in the field in the past five years.”
Contact Information:
Edward G. Anderson Jr., Ph.D.
Wright Centennial Professor for Management of Innovative Technologies
Past President, Production and Operations Management Society
Information, Risk, & Operations Management Dept.,
University of Texas McCombs School of Business
B6500, CBA 5.202, 2110 Speedway Avenue, Austin, TX 78712
Ph: 512 471 6394